In-Conversation with Fumi Kitagawa

Fumi Kitagawa is a Professor in Regional Economic Development at the University of Birmingham. She works at the City-Region Economic Development Institute (City-REDI) based in Birmingham Business School, and leads...

In-Conversation with Elvira Uyarra

Elvira Uyarra is a Professor of Innovation Studies at Alliance Manchester Business School (University of Manchester) and Director of the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. She is also an investigator...

End of year message from Rikesh Shah

End of Year Message from Rikesh Shah, Head of IPEC As 2024 draws to a close, I want to take a moment to reflect on a very productive year for the...

National Procurement Policy Statement consultation

The Government Commercial Function has officially announced the new Procurement Act 2023 go-live date is Monday 28 October 2024. This development signifies a strategic departure from the existing procurement regulations...

Call for proposals: Reducing emissions in commercial cooking

IPEC is delighted to be supporting Westminster Council in their innovation procurement exercise to invite innovators to submit a proposal to trial their solution that can help reduce the emissions...

Navigating public sector procurement

At a recent panel discussion co-organised by IPEC and Digital Leaders, experts shared valuable insights on overcoming these challenges and driving successful outcomes. Effective governance is key to fostering innovation....