Rikesh Shah

Rikesh Shah is an innovation expert, guest lecturer at the Royal College of Arts and Harvard University, non-executive advisor at Cities Today, London Transport Museum and See.Sense who joined CPC in October 2023 to Head of IPEC.

Kayleigh Hadjimina

Kayleigh Hadjimina, is an external affairs and communications professional who joined Connected Places Catapult in February 2023 as Senior Marketing and Communications Manager for Place Leadership, focusing on the IPEC and IPLA milestone projects.

Olga Kuzmich

Olga Kuzmich is a digital marketer and community manager, who joined CPC in October 2023 and is focussed on growing community of innovation enthusiasts in public sector procurement, she is also looking after IPEC website, LinkedIn channels and its content.

Nick Woodward

Nick Woodward is Academic Engagement Manager and has been working with IPEC’s Academic Partners predominantly through CRISPP (Consortium for Research in Innovative and Strategic Public Procurement) since 2018.

Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd has been a Project Manager for over 10 years and have a varied background in science and engineering. Andrew started work at the Connected Places Catapult in December 2022 when he took on the IPEC project.

James Cushing

James Cushing is the Place Leadership Ecosystem Technical Programme Manager. He engages with funding partners of IPEC and supports project delivery.